Home > 亀山トリエンナーレ 2024 > アーティスト > 的場乃莉華

的場 乃莉華

Norika Matoba

展示エリア / 場所

Exhibition Area / Place

商店街 / 森本薬品

Shopping Street / Morimoto Yakuhin


Exhibition Plan Summary




I will rent Morimoto Pharmacy's store and display works and posters on the shelves and walls where products are lined up. I am also working on a piece with a motif of a pharmacy frog mascot doll. Artists' production scenes and daily activities will be played on a DVD portable player inside the store.





2000年生まれ 名張市出身

2018年3月 県立特別支援学校伊賀つばさ学園高等部卒業

    4月 ワークプレイス栞の生活介護事業の利用開始



2019年 第5回ART to You

     東北障がい者芸術全国公募展 入選

2021年 令和3年度三重県障がい者芸術文化祭にて



Born in 2000, from Nabari City

March 2018: Graduated from Iga Tsubasa Gakuen High School, a prefectural special needs school.

      April: Started using Workplace Shiori's living care business

Work for art activities with atelier

[Award history]

2019: Selected for the 5th ART to You Tohoku National Art Exhibition for People with Disabilities

2021 “Nonohana” won the Mayor’s Award (calligraphy category) at the Mie Prefecture Arts and Culture Festival for People with Disabilities in 2021


作 品

Exhibition Work Photos