Home > 亀山トリエンナーレ 2024 > アーティスト > 黒宮亮介
黒宮 亮介
Ryosuke Kuromiya
Exhibition Area / Place
Kato-ke Yashikiato
1986 /三重県に生まれる、2009 /京都造形芸術大学卒業、2011 /東北芸術工科大学大学院修了、2009 /京展 最優秀賞受賞、2021 /三重県展 最優秀賞受賞、2022 /三重県展 自然の恵賞受賞、2023 /三重県展 優秀賞受賞
1986 / Born in Mie Prefecture, 2009 / Graduated from Kyoto University of Art and Design, 2011 / Graduated from Tohoku University of Art and Design, 2009 / Kyoto Exhibition Grand Prize, 2021 / Mie Prefecture Exhibition Grand Prize, 2022 / Mie Prefecture Exhibition Nature Received the Megumi Prize, 2023 / Mie Prefecture Exhibition Excellence Award
Artist Statement
When I touch the material (wood), I begin to see the overwhelming presence of nature in its background. As I engage with the material, my own intentions and the 'life' inherent in the wood clash, sometimes coming together in harmony, other times breaking each other down, gradually carving out a form.
I am exploring the idea that it is only when the work becomes something independent, detached from both nature and myself, that it can truly stand as a finished piece.
Exhibition Work Photos